Sustainability Policy and Announcement
Sustainability Policy
to be the number one trusted partner for customers, offering safe and high-quality products at fair prices, supporting customers to maintain their competitiveness and profitability. To enhance stakeholders’ quality of life without compromising the future generations’ opportunity to access the resources for their needs.
Executive Material
CEO’s Annual Success Metrics
Employee’s Performance Evaluation linked to ESG Criteria
Double Materiality Analysis Report
Materiality Link to Executive compensation
Climate policy positions and activities of trade associations
Appointment of the Sustainability Development Committee
Announcement of Risk Management Committee Appointment
Announcement of Climate Resilience and Environmental Committee
Responsible Supply Chain Working Team Appointment
Announcement Subject Appointment of People Committee for CP AXTRA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED and Lotus's Thailand Business
Policies and Guidelines
CP Axtra Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries defines policies and guidelines under sustainable development frameworks as follows.