Operational Highlights

4Q2024 (October - December)
4Q2023 1Q2024 2Q2024 3Q2024 4Q2024
Number of stores (stores)
Number of stores (stores) 2,690 2,686 2,690 2,670 2,728
Thailand 2,614 2,608 2,612 2,592 2,648
Overseas 76 78 78 78 80
Sales space (sq.m.)
Sales space 2,702,747 2,706,525 2,711,200 2,726,203 2,761,459
Thailand 2,363,406 2,364,885 2,369,560 2,384,563 2,416,345
Overseas 339,341 341,640 341,640 341,640 345,114
Permanent net leasable area (sq.m.)
Permanent net leasable area 1,148,120 1,149,984 1,150,263 1,155,084 1,169,183
Thailand 1 822,937 824,802 825,081 829,853 841,901
Malaysia 325,183 325,181 325,181 325,231 327,282
Occupancy rate (%)
Lotus's Thailand 94 93 93 93 93
Lotus's Malaysia 94 93 93 92 92


1 Including Makro Thailand net leasable area since 2022

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of stores (stores)
Number of stores (stores) 144 2,829 2,805 2,690 2,728
Thailand 137 2,760 2,730 2,614 2,648
Overseas 7 69 75 76 80
Sales space (sq.m.)
Sales space 812,521 2,638,772 2,681,800 2,725,410 2,761,459
Thailand 778,582 2,310,357 2,347,544 2,386,069 2,416,345
Overseas 33,939 328,415 334,256 339,341 345,114
Permanent Net Leasable Area (sq.m.)
Permanent Net Leasable Area N/A 1,017,786 1,103,521 1,147,379 1,169,183
Thailand 1 N/A 717,224 787,087 822,196 841,901
Malaysia N/A 300,562 316,434 325,183 327,282
Occupancy rate (%)
Thailand N/A 90 91 94 93
Malaysia N/A 92 93 94 92


1 Including Makro Thailand net leasable area since 2022

* Number of stores
In 3Q23, included 2 stores in China which ceased operations at the end of September 2023

* Permanent net leasable area (aq.m)
Included Makro Thailand net leasable area since 2022

Performance Highlights

Total sales and gross profit margin
Unit: million Baht / %
Net profit and net profit margin*
Unit: million Baht / %
* Excludes adjusted items
Unit: %


1 Restated 2020 financial statements.

2 Earnings per share (EPS) for 2020-2023 were calculated from the profit attributable to the parent company and the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, with the par value of the shares at 0.5 Baht per share. EPS for 2024 was calculated from the profit attributable to the parent company and the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, with the par value of the shares at 1.0 Baht per share.

3 Interest-bearing debts exclude lease liabilities.

4 Book Value per share for 2020-2023 were calculated from the profit attributable to the parent company and the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, with the par value of the shares at 0.5 Baht per share. Book Value per share for 2024 was calculated from the profit attributable to the parent company and the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, with the par value of the shares at 1.0 Baht per share.

5 Dividend per share of Baht 0.71 includes the followings:

  • Interim dividend of Baht 0.18 per share paid on 6 September 2024
  • Final dividend 0.53 per share approved by Board of Directors for shareholder's approval at the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders