27 October 2021
Report on the progress of the offering of ordinary shares to the public (Public Offering) and the Record Date to determine shareholders to receive the allocation of such shares in proportion to their shareholding
27 October 2021
New shares of MAKRO to be traded on October 28, 2021
26 October 2021
Disclosure of Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2021 on the Company's website
26 October 2021
Notification of receipt of the Tender Offer for Securities in Siam Makro Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) (Part 2/2)
26 October 2021
Notification of receipt of the Tender Offer for Securities in Siam Makro Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) (Part 1/2)
25 October 2021
Report on the results of sale of common shares offered to private placement (F53-5)
25 October 2021
Notification on the results of the calculation of the average market price over 15 consecutive trading days
25 October 2021
Notification of the details on key processes to the acceptance of the entire business transfer of C.P. Retail Holding Company Limited, the registration of change in paid-up capital of the Company and the tender offer for all securities in the Company
14 October 2021
Notification of the registration of the increase of the registered capital of Siam Makro Public Company Limited and the registration of the amendment to the Memorandum of Association with the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce
12 October 2021
Notification of the Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2021
28 September 2021
Independent Financial Advisor's Opinion Report on the Acquisition of Asset Transaction and the Connected Transaction Regarding the Acceptance of the Entire Business Transfer of C.P. Retail Holding Company Limited (2/2)
28 September 2021
Independent Financial Advisor's Opinion Report on the Acquisition of Asset Transaction and the Connected Transaction Regarding the Acceptance of the Entire Business Transfer of C.P. Retail Holding Company Limited (1/2)