02 November 2000
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
Not later than 1 year 95,030 82,617 340,876 299,047
Later than 1 year and not
later than 5 years 286,193 291,990 497,090 486,660
Later than 5 years 814,146 867,095 661,139 692,628
1,195,369 1,241,702 1,499,105 1,478,335
9 Dividend
A dividend in respect of 1999 of Baht 1.25 per share (amounting to a total of Baht 300 million) was
approved at the annual shareholders' meeting on 12 April 2000 and fully paid in the second quarter.
10 Comparative Figures
The effect of the change in accounting policy of Deferred development rights and Pre-opening and
start-up expenses as explained in Note 1, reduced previously reported balances included in the
consolidated balance sheet and company balance sheet as at 1 January 1999 as follows :
Consolidated Company
Baht'000 Baht'000
Deferred development rights 35,162 -
Pre-opening and start-up expenses 154,590 139,968
Investments in subsidiary companies - 49,784
Opening retained earnings 189,752 189,752