10 May 2000
To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of Siam Makro Public Company Limited
I have reviewed the accompanying consolidated and company balance sheets of Siam Makro Public
Company Limited as at 31 March 2000, and the related consolidated and company statements of income,
changes in shareholders' equity, retained earnings and cash flows for the three-month period ended 31
March 2000 and 1999. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.
My responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on my review.
I conducted my review in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standard applicable to review
engagements. This standard requires that I plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries
of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance
than an audit. I have not performed an audit, and, accordingly, I do not express an audit opinion.
Based on my review, nothing has come to my attention that causes me to believe that the consolidated and
company financial statements referred to above are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
As explained in note 1 to the interim consolidated and company financial statements, in the third quarter
ended 30 Septembers 1999, the Group has changed its accounting policy in respect of capitalisation of
certain intangible assets including Deferred development rights and Pre-operating and start-up expenses.
The Group has accounted for this changed retrospectively. Accordingly, the consolidated and company
financial statements for the three-month period ended 31 March 1999 have been restated.
I have audited the consolidated and company financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999 of
Siam Makro Public Company Limited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and
expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements in my report dated 28 January 2000. The consolidated
and company balance sheets as at 31 December 1999, presented for comparative purpose, are part of the
audited financial statements which I have audited and issued a report thereon as stated above, and I have not
performed any other auditing procedures subsequent to the date of that report.
Certified Public Accountant
(Thailand) No. 3051
PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Limited
26 April 2000
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Balance Sheets
As at 31 March 2000 and 31 December 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 December 31 March 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
Current Assets
Cash on hand and at banks 1,914,656 3,102,405 1,843,728 3,016,733
Short-term investments 1,340,000 892,000 1,300,000 870,000
Trade accounts receivable, net 3,953 4,055 154 424
Amounts due from subsidiaries
and affiliated companies 6 552 121 9,239 161,239
Short-term loans to subsidiaries 6 - - 42,800 86,200
Inventories, net 2,568,868 2,771,159 2,364,690 2,565,046
Other current assets
VAT receivable 18,566 22,452 - -
Purchase discount receivable 81,037 159,549 67,000 138,000
Prepayment 16,022 4,990 10,387 2,229
Other 29,766 26,255 27,286 23,430
Total Current Assets 5,973,420 6,982,986 5,665,284 6,863,301
Non-Current Assets
Investments in subsidiaries 6 - - 1,785,139 1,542,948
Loan to a subsidiary 6 - - 1,119,400 1,126,400
Property, plant and equipment, net 4 9,133,681 8,979,058 5,944,922 5,782,222
Deposits 6 42,962 39,095 291,556 291,291
Total Non-Current Assets 9,176,643 9,018,153 9,141,017 8,742,861
Total Assets 15,150,063 16,001,139 14,806,301 15,606,162
Director Director
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 December 31 March 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
Current Liabilities
Trade accounts payable 5,884,749 6,940,169 5,633,106 6,677,559
Amounts due to subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 6 30,866 77,897 46,666 72,937
Other current liabilities
Non-trade accounts payable 324,419 328,337 299,013 291,927
Current tax liabilities 272,311 295,017 234,996 248,103
Accrued expenses 256,824 205,882 230,752 182,016
VAT payable 50,659 36,998 50,659 36,998
Other current liabilities 63,791 81,845 59,023 75,377
Total Current Liabilities 6,883,619 7,966,145 6,554,215 7,584,917
Non-Current Liabilities
Provision for retirement indemnity 183,045 177,657 169,055 164,259
Other liabilities 368 351 - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities 183,413 178,008 169,055 164,259
Total Liabilities 7,067,032 8,144,153 6,723,270 7,749,176
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 5
Authorised share capital 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000
Issued and paid-up share capital 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000
Premium on share capital 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152
Retained earnings
Legal reserve 192,500 192,500 192,500 192,500
Unappropriated 2,200,379 1,974,334 2,200,379 1,974,334
Total Shareholders' Equity 8,083,031 7,856,986 8,083,031 7,856,986
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 15,150,063 16,001,139 14,806,301 15,606,162
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Statements of Income
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
(Restated) (Restated)
Sales 8,767,424 7,601,414 8,273,631 7,202,422
Other operating income
Interest income 13,781 31,686 30,802 50,001
Services income 171,216 108,837 165,751 103,719
Other 62,476 47,255 70,990 58,668
Total revenues 9,014,897 7,789,192 8,541,174 7,414,810
Cost of sales 7,955,876 6,956,960 7,572,795 6,635,181
Selling and administrative expenses 714,989 623,813 683,880 615,370
Interest expenses - 5,305 - 5,305
Directors' remuneration 644 360 644 360
Total Expenses 8,671,509 7,586,438 8,257,319 7,256,216
Operating profit 343,388 202,754 283,855 158,594
Income tax (117,342) (63,059) (100,000) (48,000)
Profit from ordinary activities 226,046 139,695 183,855 110,594
Share of profit from subsidiaries, net
of income tax - - 42,191 29,101
Net profit for the period 226,046 139,695 226,046 139,695
Basic earnings per share (Baht) 3
Net profit for the period 0.94 0.58 0.94 0.58
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
(Restated) (Restated)
Share Capital
Common share
Beginning balance 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000
Increase during the period - - - -
Decrease during the period - - - -
Ending balance 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000
Premium on Share Capital
Beginning balance 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152
Increase during the period - - - -
Decrease during the period - - - -
Ending balance 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152 3,290,152
Unappropriated retained earnings:
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,974,333 1,825,576 1,974,333 1,825,576
- adjustment resulting from change in
accounting policy with respect to
the capitalization of deferred
development right and
pre-opening and start-up expenses 1 - (189,752) - (189,752)
- as restated 1,974,333 1,635,824 1,974,333 1,635,824
Net profit for the period 226,046 139,695 226,046 139,695
Unappropriated retained earnings
at end of the period 2,200,379 1,775,519 2,200,379 1,775,519
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve
Beginning balance 192,500 163,947 192,500 163,947
Increase during the period - - - -
Decrease during the period - - - -
Appropriated retained earnings at end
of the period 192,500 163,947 192,500 163,947
Total shareholders' equity 8,083,031 7,629,618 8,083,031 7,629,618
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Statements of Retained Earnings
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
(Restated) (Restated)
Unappropriated retained earnings:
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,974,333 1,825,576 1,974,333 1,825,576
- adjustment resulting from change in
accounting policy with respect to
the capitalization of deferred
development right and
pre-opening and start-up expenses 1 - (189,752) - (189,752)
- as restated 1,974,333 1,635,824 1,974,333 1,635,824
Net profit for the period 226,046 139,695 226,046 139,695
Unappropriated retained earnings
at end of the period 2,200,379 1,775,519 2,200,379 1,775,519
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve 192,500 163,947 192,500 163,947
Retained earnings at end of the period 2,392,879 1,939,466 2,392,879 1,939,466
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Statements of Cash Flows
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
(Restated) (Restated)
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net profit 226,046 139,695 226,046 139,695
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 175,770 172,048 151,330 150,859
Gain on disposal of equipment - (1,727) - (1,727)
Share of profit from subsidiaries, net of
income tax - - (42,191) (29,101)
Allowance for doubtful accounts
accounts receivable, other (410) 50 (410) -
Provision for obsolete and shrinkage
inventories 28,872 7,338 25,550 3,786
Provision for warranty claim 17 (25) - -
Provision for retirement indemnity 5,387 10,891 4,796 9,036
Amortization of deferred hedging cost - 2,939 - 2,939
Provision for fixed assets written off - 4,602 - 4,602
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Trade accounts receivable 102 (7) 269 (2,330)
Amounts due from subsidiaries and
affiliated companies (431) 281 152,000 3,546
Inventories 173,419 80,105 174,807 64,632
VAT receivable 3,885 5,786 - -
Purchase discount receivable 78,512 32,661 71,000 25,126
Prepayment (11,032) (5,930) (8,158) (4,647)
Other current assets (3,101) (35,055) (3,446) (27,994)
Trade accounts payable (1,055,420) (460,738) (1,044,453) (428,834)
Amounts due to subsidiaries and
affiliated companies (47,031) (31,135) (26,272) (10,978)
Non-trade accounts payable (3,917) (157,222) 7,086 (152,294)
Current tax liabilities (22,706) (71,570) (13,107) (63,817)
Accrued expenses 50,942 (17,392) 48,736 (21,521)
VAT payable 13,660 (9,456) 13,660 (9,456)
Other current liabilities (18,053) (32,256) (16,353) 5,794
Net cash used in operating activities (405,489) (366,117) (279,110) (342,684)
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Statements of Cash Flows (Continued)
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
Consolidated Company
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
(Restated) (Restated)
Cash flows from investing activities:
Acquisition of property, plant
and equipment (330,393) (127,326) (314,030) (153,536)
Proceed from disposals of equipments - (30,685) - (30,685)
Investment in subsidiaries - - (200,000) -
Net repayments of loans made to
subsidiaries - - 50,400 22,500
Deposits (3,867) (26,835) (265) (26,618)
Net cash used in investing activities (334,260) (184,846) (463,895) (188,339)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Forward exchange contract payable - (72,886) - (72,886)
Payment on long-term
loan from bank - (553,350) - (553,350)
Deferred hedging cost - (2,939) - (2,939)
Net cash used in financing activities - (629,175) - (629,175)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (739,749) (1,180,138) (743,005) (1,160,198)
Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning balance 3,994,405 3,624,026 3,886,733 3,508,056
Cash and cash equivalents,
ending balance 3,254,656 2,443,888 3,143,728 2,347,858
Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand and at banks 1,914,656 2,082,888 1,843,728 2,007,858
Short-term investments 1,340,000 361,000 1,300,000 340,000
3,254,656 2,443,888 3,143,728 2,347,858
Supplementary information for cash flows:
Interest paid - 3,757 - 3,757
Income tax paid 133,667 129,608 108,906 108,976
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 16 are an
integral part of these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Notes to the Interim Consolidated and Company Financial Statements
For the three-month period ended 31 March 2000 and 1999
1 Accounting Policies
The interim consolidated and company financial statements are prepared in
accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Thailand.
However, the primary statements (i.e. balance sheets, statements of income,
changes in shareholders' equity, retained earnings an cash flows) are
presented in the full format as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation No.
7 (B.E. 2539) in accordance with the Securities and Exchange
Commission's and the Stock Exchange of Thailand's requirements, rather
than in the condensed format as required by Thai Accounting Standard No.
41, "Interim Financial Reporting". The accounting policies used in the
preparation of the interim financial statements are consistent with those used
in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999.
The Group has implemented the following new Thai Accounting Standards,
effective 1 January 2000, in these interim financial statements:
TAS 41 Interim Financial Reporting
TAS 44 Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Investment in Subsidiaries
TAS 45 Accounting for Investment in Associates
TAS 47 Related Party Disclosures
The comparative figures, if any, have been adjusted or extended to take into
account the requirements of those newly effective standards. In addition, in
the third quarter ended 30 September 1999, the Group has changed its
accounting policy in respect of capitalisation of certain intangible assets
including Deferred development rights and Pre-operating and start-up
expenses. The Group has accounted for this change retrospectively.
Accordingly, the consolidated and company statements of income, changes
in shareholders' equity, retained earnings, and cash flows for the three-
month period ended 31 March 1999 have been restated. The effects of the
change are presented in Note 9.
Costs that incur unevenly during the financial year are anticipated or
deferred in the interim report only if it would be also appropriate to
anticipate or defer such costs at the end of the financial year.
Income tax expense is recognised based on the best estimate for the year.
These interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
1999 annual financial statements.
2 Segment Information