17 February 2000
Impairment charge - -
Depreciation charge (189,240,108) (430,101,667)
Closing net book amount 4,421,941,322 1,074,494,853
At 31 December 1999
Cost or appraised value 5,210,365,008 3,187,494,333
Less : Accumulated depreciation (788,423,686) (2,082,903,652)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (30,095,828)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 4,421,941,322 1,074,494,853
in progress Total
Baht Baht
At 31 December 1998
Cost or appraised value 489,391,840 7,878,626,512
Less : Accumulated depreciation - (2,274,193,612)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (34,705,002)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 489,391,840 5,569,727,898
Year ended 31 December 1999
Opening net book amount 489,391,840 5,569,727,898
Additions (Transfer) (203,605,528) 838,978,194
Disposal - (11,751,004)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - 4,609,174
Impairment charge - -
Depreciation charge - (619,341,775)
Closing net book amount 285,786,312 5,782,222,487
At 31 December 1999
Cost or appraised value 285,786,312 8,683,645,653
Less : Accumulated depreciation - (2,871,327,338)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (30,095,828)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 285,786,312 5,782,222,487
9 Share capital
Number of Ordinary
shares shares
At 31 December 1997 240,000,000 2,400,000,000
Issue of shares - -
At 31 December 1998 240,000,000 2,400,000,000
Issue of shares - -
At 31 December 1999 240,000,000 2,400,000,000
premium Total
Baht Baht
At 31 December 1997 3,290,152,068 5,690,152,068
Issue of shares - -
At 31 December 1998 3,290,152,068 5,690,152,068
Issue of shares - -
At 31 December 1999 3,290,152,068 5,690,152,068
Share capital represents wholly authorised ordinary shares with a par value of
Baht 10 per share (1998 : 10 per share). All issued shares are fully paid up.
10 Legal reserve
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Beginning balance 163,947,221 138,909,918
Appropriation during the year 28,553,144 25,037,303
Ending balance 192,500,365 163,947,221
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Beginning balance 163,947,221 138,909,918
Appropriation during the year 28,553,144 25,037,303
Ending balance 192,500,365 163,947,221
Under the Public Companies Act, the Company is required to set aside as a
statutory reserve at least 5% of its net profit after accumulated deficit brought
forward (if any) until the reserve is not less than 10% of the registered capital.
The reserve is non-distributable.
11 Basic earnings per share
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to
shareholders by weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the year. Earnings per share after the impairment loss is calculated as
Consolidated and Company
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Net Profit attribute to shareholders
before impairment charge 735,971,747 546,995,133
Less : Impairment charge attributed
to the statement of income (164,908,861) -
Net profit 571,062,886 546,995,133
Weighted average number of shares 240,000,000 240,000,000
Consolidated and Company
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Earnings per share before impairment charge 3.07 2.28
Less : Impairment charge attributed to the
statement of income 0.69 -
Earnings per share 2.38 2.28
12 Dividends
Dividends payable are not accounted for until they have been ratified at
the Annual General Meeting.
At the annual shareholders' meeting dated 30 April 1999, it was
unanimously resolved that dividends in respect of 1998 be paid at Baht
0.85 per share totaling Baht 204 million in the second quarter of 1999.
13 Contingent liabilities and commitment
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998 the Group have contingent liabilities
in respect of bank and other guarantees and other matters arising in the
ordinary course of business from which it is anticipated that no material
liabilities will arise. In the ordinary course of business, the Group and the
Company has given guarantees to third parties as follows :
Bank guarantees
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998, the banks have given guarantees on
behalf of the Company and its subsidiaries as follows:
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Electricity 39,334,700 37,521,000
Sales of liquor and cigarettes 2,132,000 2,131,000
Others 950,000 2,180,000
42,416,700 41,832,000
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Electricity 37,321,700 35,932,500
Sales of liquor and cigarettes 2,097,000 2,101,000
Others 450,000 480,000
39,868,700 38,513,500
Letter of awareness
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998, the Company has issued letters of
awareness to a bank for a bank overdraft facility of subsidiaries
amounting to Baht 70 million. ( 1998 : Baht 70 million)
Operating lease agreements - where a group company is the lessee
The future minimum lease payments under operating lease are as
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Not later than 1 year 82,616,500 50,366,870
Later than 1 year and not
later than 5 years 291,990,339 172,930,442
Later than 5 years 867,094,950 632,959,379
1,241,701,789 856,256,691
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Not later than 1 year 299,047,366 298,784,990
Later than 1 year and not
later than 5 years 486,659,510 295,323,075
Later than 5 years 692,627,701 506,606,833
1,478,334,577 1,100,714,898
Capital expenditure commitment
Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet date but not
recognised in the financial statements is as follows :
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Property, plant and equipment 388,268,120 239,528,500
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Property, plant and equipment 370,024,436 238,020,562
14 Related parties transactions
The following transactions were carried out with related parties :
1999 1998
Million Baht Million Baht
Transactions during the year :
With an affiliated company
Royalty fee 123.9 118.7
1999 1998
Million Baht Million Baht
Transaction during the year :
With subsidiaries
Revenues :
- Sales of inventory 1.9 0.5
- Disposal of fixed assets - 1.0
- Interest income 75.3 100.4
- Rental income 63.3 74.6
- Management fee 1.8 1.8
- Vehicle rental 0.2 -
Expenses :
- Land rental 261.6 261.6
- Royalty and service fee 14.0 13.4
- Purchase of office supplies 0.5 0.7
- Purchase of fixed assets - 0.2
- Motor vehicle expenses 1.9 1.5
With an affiliated company
- Royalty fee 114.9 110.9
Purchases or sales of inventory with subsidiaries are presented at market
The rental charges in respect of land and building as specified in the
agreements between the Company and subsidiaries are based on the cost of
land and fixed assets plus the related expenses.
General services provided by Company are charged at cost to a subsidiary on
the basis of an agreed annual fee.
The Company and its subsidiaries have entered into the agreements with an
overseas affiliated company and a subsidiary to use their trade marks. The
royalty fee for the use of the trade marks represents a percentage of their net
Notes 1999 1998
Million Million
Baht Baht
Balance as at 31 December 1999
and 1998
Amounts due from subsidiaries - -
Amounts due from affiliated
companies 0.1 0.8
0.1 0.8
Short-term loans to subsidiaries 14.1
(interest at 3.5% per annum)
- Makro Properties Ltd. - -
- Makro Auto Care Co.,Ltd. - -
- -
Amount due to a subsidiary - -
Amounts due to affiliated companies 77.9 59.8
77.9 59.8
Long-term loans to a subsidiary
(interest at 6% per annum) 14.2 - -
Deposits for land lease paid to
a subsidiary - -
Notes 1999 1998
Million Million
Baht Baht
Balance as at 31 December 1999
and 1998
Amounts due from subsidiaries 161.2 166.4
Amounts due from affiliated
companies - 0.7
161.2 167.1
Short-term loans to subsidiaries 14.1
(interest at 3.5% per annum)
- Makro Properties Ltd. - 90.8
- Makro Auto Care Co.,Ltd. 86.2 72.3
86.2 163.1
Amount due to a subsidiary 0.5 -
Amounts due to affiliated companies 72.4 55.9
72.9 55.9
Long-term loans to a subsidiary
(interest at 6% per annum) 14.2 1,126.4 1,178.4
Deposits for land lease paid to
a subsidiary 261.6 261.6
14.1 Short-term loans to subsidiaries, being in the form of promissory notes,
are due at call.
14.2 Long-term loans to a subsidiary are due for repayment as follows:
Contract Date 1999 1998 Due date
Million Million
Baht Baht
1 January 1993 - 40.5 31 December 2002
1 March 1993 125.5 137.0 28 February 2003
1 November 1995 720.9 720.9 31 October 2005
23 November 1995 280.0 280.0 22 November 2005
1,126.4 1,178.4
15 Financial information by business segments
For the year ended 31 December 1999
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business
Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht
Sales and service income
- Unaffiliated customers 33,438 1,055 -
- Intercompany 4 1 262
33,442 1,056 262
Gross profit 2,672 242 -
Other income
Selling and administrative expenses
Impairment charge relating to property
Interest expenses
Directors' remuneration
Income tax
Property, plant and equipment
Net book value as at 31 December 1999 5,914 440 2,625
Other assets
Total assets as at 31 December 1999
nation Total
Million Million
Baht Baht
Sales and service income
- Unaffiliated customers - 34,493
- Intercompany (267) -
(267) 34,493
Gross profit - 2,914
Other income 874
Selling and administrative expenses (2,720)
Impairment charge relating to property (165)
Interest expenses (5)
Directors' remuneration (1)
Income tax (326)
Property, plant and equipment
Net book value as at 31 December 1999 - 8,979
Other assets 7,022
Total assets as at 31 December 1999 16,001
For the year ended 31 December 1998
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business
Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht
Sales and service income
- Unaffiliated customers 29,964 812 -
- Intercompany 2 1 262
29,966 813 262
Gross profit 2,463 150 -
Other income
Selling and administrative expenses
Impairment charge relating to property
Interest expenses
Directors' remuneration
Income tax
Property, plant and equipment
Net book value as at 31 December 1998 5,685 387 2,790
Other assets
Total assets as at 31 December 1998
Elimi -
nation Total
Million Million
Baht Baht
Sales and service income
- Unaffiliated customers - 30,776
- Intercompany (265) -
(265) 30,776
Gross profit - 2,613
Other income 796
Selling and administrative expenses (2,562)
Impairment charge relating to property -
Interest expenses (38)
Directors' remuneration (1)
Income tax (261)
Property, plant and equipment
Net book value as at 31 December 1998 - 8,862
Other assets 6,114
Total assets as at 31 December 1998 14,976
The Company and its subsidiaries operate 3 major businesses as
follows :
- Cash and carry wholesale business of merchandise and retail business
of office supplies.
- Automotive service centers and gas stations.
- Land investment and property leasing.
Sales to unaffiliated customers, subsidiaries and affiliated companies are
presented at market price.
Property, plant and equipment of each business are for its own operations.
Other assets mainly comprise cash in hand and at banks, inventories,
amounts due from and loans to affiliated companies.
16 Bank facilities
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998, the Company and its subsidiaries
have the following unutilised credit facilities available with local banks
and foreign banks :
1999 1998
Unit : Unit :
Million Million
Local banks
- Bank overdrafts facilities Baht 110 135
- Loan facilities Baht 185 150
- Letter of credit facilities Baht 298 230
- Letter of guarantee facilities Baht 43 15
Foreign banks
- Loan facilities USD 35 35
1999 1998
Unit : Unit :
Million Million
Local banks
- Bank overdrafts facilities Baht 70 95
- Loan facilities Baht 175 150
- Letter of credit facilities Baht 263 195
- Letter of guarantee facilities Baht 30 13
Foreign banks
- Loan facilities USD 35 35
The loan facilities from foreign banks are available through 25 January
17 Financial instruments
The company's policy on risk management of liabilities in foreign
currencies is to use financial instruments purchased in the financial
markets. For hedging purposes, the company has entered into forward
exchange contracts to cover loan and purchase commitment in foreign
18 Year 2000 issues (Unaudited)
Siam Makro Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries commenced their
plan to replace and upgrade all major computer systems at the end of 1997.
This aims to increase the efficiency and ability to cope with business
growth. The Company and its subsidiaries expect that such upgrades
should comply with the Year 2000 as the new equipment and applications
are Year 2000 compliant, as certified by the vendors under certain
conditions. As at 31 December 1999, the Company and its subsidiaries
completed the replacement, upgrades and Year 2000 compliance test of all
major computer systems.
In respect of other companies, with which the Company and its subsidiaries
are doing business, in order to ensure Year 2000 compliance. The Company
and its subsidiaries have been examining their readiness for Year 2000
compliance and have completed the contingency plan to protect and
prepare for any problems which may occur. The Company and its
subsidiaries have passed the transition period from 1999 to 2000 without
significant impact from the Year 2000 problem.
As at 31 December 1999, the Company and its subsidiaries expenditure
related to the Year 2000 problem resolution have been recorded and as a
result of resolving this issue the Company incurred expense of Baht 10
In recognition of the Year 2000 problem, the Company and its subsidiaries
have made a substantial effort to protect and minimize any potential risk.
However, the Company and its subsidiaries do not certify or guarantee that
they will not be impacted directly and indirectly by any problems or errors
related to Year 2000 problem.