17 February 2000
Inventories (487,091,229) 281,491,224
VAT receivable - -
Purchase discount receivable (47,873,567) (42,771,433)
Prepayment 2,824,208 2,110,045
Other current assets 8,695,669 18,878,613
Trade accounts payable 1,160,904,618 286,577,065
Amounts due to subsidiaries and affiliated
companies 17,039,814 (16,108,753)
Non-trade accounts payable (51,098,821) 81,082,886
Current tax liabilities 53,975,896 111,883,370
Accrued expenses 21,639,401 8,909,015
VAT payable (41,634,993) 51,574,179
Other current liabilities 33,719,952 (10,173,039)
Net cash generated from operations 1,906,686,856 2,269,598,121
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Statements of Cash Flows
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash flows from investing activities :
Acquisition of property, plant
and equipment (989,609,038) (928,355,137)
Proceed from disposals of equipment 18,391,538 33,857,136
Acquisition of subsidiaries - -
Loans made to subsidiaries - -
Deposits (6,754,530) 20,354,280
Net cash payments to investing activities (977,972,030) (874,143,721)
Cash flows from financing activities :
Payment of short term loans - (506,700,000)
Dividends paid to shareholders (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Forward exchange contract payable (72,978,000) 72,978,000
Proceeds (Payment) on long-term
loan from bank (553,350,000) 553,350,000
Deferred hedging cost (2,939,000) (17,680,863)
Net cash payment to financing activities (833,267,000) (102,052,863)
Net increase in cash
and cash equivalents 370,378,310 1,194,002,480
Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning balance 3,624,026,299 2,430,023,819
Cash and cash equivalents,
ending balance 3,994,404,609 3,624,026,299
Cash and cash equivalents :
Cash on hand and at banks 3,102,404,609 3,444,026,299
Short-term investments 892,000,000 180,000,000
3,994,404,609 3,624,026,299
Supplementary information for cash flows :
Interest paid 5,311,193 34,801,337
Income tax paid 238,630,334 97,788,327
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash flows from investing activities :
Acquisition of property, plant
and equipment (838,978,194) (896,026,697)
Proceed from disposals of equipment 18,391,538 24,173,492
Acquisition of subsidiaries - (480,000,000)
Loans made to subsidiaries 128,900,000 301,700,000
Deposits (3,055,640) 21,147,075
Net cash payments to investing activities (694,742,296) (1,029,006,130)
Cash flows from financing activities :
Payment of short term loans - (506,700,000)
Dividends paid to shareholders (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Forward exchange contract payable (72,978,000) 72,978,000
Proceeds (Payment) on long-term
loan from bank (553,350,000) 553,350,000
Deferred hedging cost (2,939,000) (17,680,863)
Net cash payment to financing activities (833,267,000) (102,052,863)
Net increase in cash
and cash equivalents 378,677,560 1,138,539,128
Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning balance 3,508,055,361 2,369,516,233
Cash and cash equivalents,
ending balance 3,886,732,921 3,508,055,361
Cash and cash equivalents :
Cash on hand and at banks 3,016,732,921 3,328,055,361
Short-term investments 870,000,000 180,000,000
3,886,732,921 3,508,055,361
Supplementary information for cash flows :
Interest paid 5,307,181 34,801,003
Income tax paid 197,389,002 79,554,686
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Notes to the Consolidated and Company Financial Statements
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
1 Significant Accounting Policies
The principle accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these
consolidated and company financial statements which have been applied
consistently, are set out below:
1.1 Basis for preparation
The consolidated and company financial statements are prepared in
accordance with and comply with accounting principles generally
accepted in Thailand. The consolidated and company financial statements
are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the
revaluation of certain property, plant and equipment.
1.2 Consolidation
Subsidiary undertakings which are those companies in which the Group,
directly, has an interest of more than one half of the voting rights or
otherwise has power to exercise control over the financial and operating
policies, have been consolidated. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the
date on which effective control's transferred to the Group.
Significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated
in the consolidated financial statements. Where necessary accounting
policies for subsidiaries have been changed to ensure consistency with the
policies adopted by the Group. The minority interest is immaterial and
not, therefore, shown separately in the consolidated financial statements.
1.3 Investment in subsidiaries
Investment in subsidiary undertakings are accounted for in the Company
financial statements by the equity method of accounting. These
undertakings are over which the Company has over 50% of the voting
rights, and over which the Company exercise control. Provisions are
recorded for impairment in value.
Equity method of accounting involves recognising in the income
statements the Company's share of the subsidiaries' profit or loss for the
year. The Company's interest in the subsidiary is carried in the balance
sheet an amount that reflects its share of the net assets of the subsidiaries.
1.4 Foreign currencies
Foreign currency transactions in the Group are accounted for at the
exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transactions. Gains and losses
resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation
of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, are
recognised in the income statements. Such balances are translated at year-
end exchange rates unless hedged by forward foreign exchange contracts,
in which case the rates specified in such forward contracts are used.
1.5 Trade accounts receivable
Trade accounts receivable are carried at anticipated realisable value. An
estimate is made for doubtful receivables based on a review of all
outstanding amounts at the year end. Bad debts are written off during the
year in which they are identified.
Allowance for doubtful account is provided according to the estimated
losses that may be incurred in the collections from accounts receivable.
The estimated losses are determined by the collection experience and the
current status of accounts receivable.
1.6 Inventories
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Cost is
determined on the latest purchase price which is approximate to cost
determined on a first-in first-out basis. The cost of purchase comprises
both the purchase price and costs directly attributable to the acquisition of
the inventory, such as import duties and transportation charge, less all
attributable discounts , allowances or rebates. Net realisable value is the
estimate of the selling price of selling in the ordinary course of business,
less the costs of completion and selling expenses. Provision is made
where necessary for obsolete, slow-moving and shrinkage inventories.
1.7 Property, plant and equipment
All property, plant and equipment is initially recorded at cost, and is
stated at cost less subsequent depreciation.
Property held for sale or under future development is initially recorded at
cost and subsequently shown at appraised value, based on valuations by
external independent valuers.
Depreciation is calculated on the straight-line method to write off the cost
of each asset except for land as it is deemed to have an indefinite life , or
the revalued amounts, to their residual values over their estimated useful
life which range from 5 - 20 years.
Leasehold rights are amortised by the straight-line method over the period
of agreements, which range from 6 - 27 years.
Where the carrying amount of an assets is greater than its estimated
recoverable amount, it is written down immediately to its recoverable
amount. Estimated recoverable amount is the higher of the anticipated
discounted cash flows from the continuing use of the asset and the
amount obtainable from the sale of the asset less any cost of disposal.
Gains and losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment are
determined by reference to their carrying amount and are taken into
account in determining operating profit.
1.8 Provisions
Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present legal or
constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to
settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the
obligation can be made.
1.9 Provident fund and provision for retirement indemnity
The Group operates a provident fund, being a defined contribution plan,
the asset for which are held in a separate trustee- administered fund. The
provident fund is funded by payments from employees and by the
relevant Group companies.
The Group's contributions to the provident fund are charged to the
income statements in the years to which they related.
Provision for retirement indemnity is made for employees whose length
of service exceeds 3 years and is normally payable on termination of
service. The calculation is based on the latest basic salary multiplied by
the years of each employee's service as set out in the Group companies'
retirement indemnity plan.
1.10 Provision for warranty claim
Provision for warranty claim represents the estimated liabilities due under
warranties given on products and services of a subsidiary. This provision
is calculated based on claim history and management 's expectation of
future claim.
1.11 Revenue recognition
Sales are recognised upon delivery of products and customer acceptance,
if any, or performance of services , net of discounts. For consolidated
financial statements , inter-group sales are eliminated.
Services income earned by the Group are recognised on an accrual basis
in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement.
1.12 Comparatives
Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform
with changes in presentation in the current year.
In 1999, the Group implemented following new Thai Accounting
Standards namely:
TAS 32 - Property, Plant and Equipment
TAS 35 - Presentation of Financial Statements
TAS 36 - Impairment of Assets
TAS 37 - Revenue Recognition
TAS 38 - Earnings per Share
TAS 39 - Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and
Accounting Changes
There are no changes in accounting policy resulting from the adoption of
the above standards in these financial statements, as the Group was
already following the recognition and measurement principles in these
standards, except for the adoption of TAS 36 - Impairment of Assets as
explained in Note 8.
2 Change in accounting policy
In the third quarter ended 30 September 1999, in accordance with the
recent developments in International Accounting Standards and Thai
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the Company reviewed its
accounting policy in respect of capitalisation of certain intangible assets
including Deferred development rights and Pre-opening and start up
expenses. As a result of this review, the Company changed its accounting
policy to expense such costs as incurred. The Company therefore
accounted for the change in accounting policy retrospectively by
adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings as at 1 January
1999 and 1998.
The effect of the change reduced previously reported balances included in
the consolidated balance sheets and company's balance sheets as at 1
January 1999 and 1998 as follows :
1 January 1999
Consolidated Company
Baht Baht
Deferred development rights 35,161,766 -
Pre-opening and start-up expenses 154,590,905 139,969,477
Investment in subsidiaries - 49,783,194
Opening retained earnings 189,752,671 189,752,671
1 January 1998
Consolidated Company
Baht Baht
Deferred development rights 46,272,472 -
Pre-opening and start-up expenses 189,729,267 174,650,292
Investment in subsidiaries - 61,351,447
Opening retained earnings 236,001,739 236,001,739
In addition, the effect of the change resulted in increase of net profit and
earnings per share of 1999 and 1998 as follows :
Consolidated and Company
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Increase in net profit 46,423,745 46,249,068
Increase in earnings per share 0.19 0.19
3 Cash on hand and at banks
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash on hand 325,614,609 285,255,503
Deposits held at call
with banks 2,776,790,000 3,158,770,796
3,102,404,609 3,444,026,299
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash on hand 315,459,921 276,924,346
Deposits held at call
with banks 2,701,273,000 3,051,131,015
3,016,732,921 3,328,055,361
4 Short-term investments
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998, short-term investments comprise
fixed deposits and bills of exchange bearing interest at rates 1.00-3.00%
per annum. (1998 : 6.00 - 8.00 % per annum)
5 Trade accounts receivable, net
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Trade accounts receivable 4,105,263 9,065,581
Less : Allowance for doubtful accounts (50,155) -
Trade accounts receivable, net 4,055,108 9,065,581
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Trade accounts receivable 423,674 4,353,136
Less : Allowance for doubtful accounts - -
Trade accounts receivable, net 423,674 4,353,136
As at 31 December 1999, the outstanding accounts receivable balance
aged longer than 3 months are as follows :
Consolidated Company
Baht Baht
Trade accounts receivable aged longer than 3 months 344,735 276,609
6 Inventories, net
Inventories are made up as follows:
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Finished goods 2,940,782,069 2,421,718,953
Goods in transit 2,552,473 5,706,595
2,943,334,542 2,427,425,548
Less : Allowance for obsolete and
shrinkage inventories (172,175,350) (155,255,839)
Inventories, net 2,771,159,192 2,272,169,709
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Finished goods 2,705,234,975 2,214,989,624
Goods in transit 2,552,473 5,706,595
2,707,787,448 2,220,696,219
Less : Allowance for obsolete and
shrinkage inventories (142,741,070) (126,065,341)
Inventories, net 2,565,046,378 2,094,630,878
7 Investments in subsidiaries
Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for under the equity method.
Investments comprise:
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Makro Properties Limited - -
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - -
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - -
- -
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Makro Properties Limited 1,191,239,784 1,216,161,352
Makro Auto Care Company Limited 205,869,527 200,230,843
Makro Office Centre Company Limited 145,838,339 134,106,199
1,542,947,650 1,550,498,394
All subsidiary undertakings are incoporated in Thailand.
Business activity % ownership interest
1999 1998
Makro Properties Limited - Land investment & 99.99 99.99
property leasing
Makro Auto Care - Automotive service 99.99 99.99
Company Limited centers, automated car
wash and gas stations
Makro Office Centre - Retail business of office 99.99 99.99
Company Limited supplies, office
equipment, office furniture
and business service center
The Company has an ultimate control over the financial and operating
policies of such investments. Therefore, they are considered as
subsidiaries and are consolidated in the consolidated financial statements.
All holdings are in the ordinary share capital of the undertakings
concerned and are unchanged from 1998.
Issued and paid up share capital, and dividends for the years of subsidiaries are :
Issued & paid up
Share capital
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Makro Properties Limited 700,000,000 700,000,000
Makro Auto Care Company Limited 300,000,000 300,000,000
Makro Office Centre Company Limited 200,000,000 200,000,000
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Makro Properties Limited - -
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - -
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - -
8 Property, plant and equipment, net
Land & Equipments &
buildings vehicle
Baht Baht
At 31 December 1998
Cost or appriased value 7,513,411,574 3,258,298,261
Less : Accumulated depreciation (612,491,131) (1,769,345,918)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (38,456,229)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 6,900,920,443 1,450,496,114
Year ended 31 December 1999
Opening net book amount 6,900,920,443 1,450,496,114
Additions (transfer) 737,584,802 435,280,168
Disposal - (11,751,004)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - 4,609,174
Impairment charge (164,908,861) -
Depreciation charge (202,001,079) (498,900,898)
Closing net book amount 7,271,595,305 1,379,733,554
At 31 December 1999
Cost or appraised value 8,250,996,376 3,659,619,375
Less : Accumulated depreciation (814,492,210) (2,246,038,766)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (33,847,055)
Provision for impairment
relating to property (164,908,861) -
Net book amount 7,271,595,305 1,379,733,554
in progress Total
Baht Baht
At 31 December 1998
Cost or appriased value 510,985,374 11,282,695,209
Less : Accumulated depreciation - (2,381,837,049)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (38,456,229)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 510,985,374 8,862,401,931
Year ended 31 December 1999
Opening net book amount 510,985,374 8,862,401,931
Additions (transfer) (183,255,932) 989,609,038
Disposal - (11,751,004)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - 4,609,174
Impairment charge - (164,908,861)
Depreciation charge - (700,901,977)
Closing net book amount 327,729,442 8,979,058,301
At 31 December 1999
Cost or appraised value 327,729,442 12,238,345,193
Less : Accumulated depreciation - (3,060,530,976)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (33,847,055)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - (164,908,861)
Net book amount 327,729,442 8,979,058,301
Property plant and equipment include property held for sale or future
development amounting to Baht 143,663,688 net of the impairment
In the second quarter ended 30 June 1999, a subsidiary recognised a
provision for impairment of a property of Baht 164.9 million. Subsequent
to the original purchase of this site, the Group has now determined that
the site will not be used for purpose for which it was originally acquired.
It was therefore identified the asset as being an asset held for sale or
future development and was provided for impairment to carry the site at
appraised value assessed by an independent valuer on the basis of market
prices for comparable sites in that location including other relevant
Land & Equipments &
buildings vehicle
Baht Baht
At 31 December 1998
Cost or appraised value 4,506,442,874 2,882,791,798
Less : Accumulated depreciation (599,183,578) (1,675,010,034)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - (34,705,002)
Provision for impairment
relating to property - -
Net book amount 3,907,259,296 1,173,076,762
Year ended 31 December 1999
Opening net book amount 3,907,259,296 1,173,076,762
Additions (Transfer) 703,922,134 338,661,588
Disposal - (11,751,004)
Provision for the disposal of
obsolete and lost equipments - 4,609,174