Anti-Corruption Policy
CP AXTRA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) give great importance towards and are determined in conducting business in an honest, transparent and equitable manner. We are also committed to being responsible to society as a whole and to all stakeholder groups in accordance with the Company’s Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct Manual as well as according to international principles and practices.
The Company recognizes the importance of being against corruption. As such, in order to ensure that the Company has in place policies to determine overall responsibilities, operating guidelines and appropriate measures to prevent corruption within all the Company’s business operations as well as to enable all decisions and business activities that involve risks of corruption are undertaken with full consideration and carried out in an appropriate manner, the Company has prepared this “Anti-Corruption Policy” so as to serve as clear operating guidelines for use and adherence as a framework by the Company’s Board of Directors, management and all staff in carrying out their responsibilities. This “Anti-Corruption Policy” is also intended to make all involved stakeholders aware of the Company’s firm intent and full commitment in being anti-corruption and against all form of corrupt practices.
This Anti-Corruption Policy is applicable to all activities involved with the conduct of business by the Company, which includes the Company’s domestic as well as overseas business operations

To ensure that all activities regarding the giving of sponsorships are undertaken in a fully transparent manner, with the aim to provide support to relevant projects, and carried out without any expectation to gain benefits or other things in exchange, that may be considered as corruption; the Company has therefore determined the guidelines of practices on giving sponsorships, as follows:
Guidelines of Practices on giving Sponsorships, giving/accepting of Gifts, Souvenirs, Entertainment and Charitable Contributions

Anti-Corruption Annoucements
Announcement on Anti-Corruption Policy
Letter to Business Partners regarding Anti-Corruption Policy