02 พฤศจิกายน 2543
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (257,945) (490,823) (301,738) (513,539)
Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning balance 3,994,405 3,624,026 3,886,733 3,508,055
Cash and cash equivalents,
ending balance 3,736,460 3,133,203 3,584,995 2,994,516
Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand and at banks 1,855,031 2,500,203 1,783,566 2,394,516
Short-term investments 1,881,429 633,000 1,801,429 600,000
3,736,460 3,133,203 3,584,995 2,994,516
Supplementary information for cash flows:
Interest paid - 5,309 - 5,307
Income tax paid 482,774 238,630 406,213 197,389
The notes to the interim consolidated and company financial statements on pages 10 to 18 are an integral part of
these interim financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Notes to the Interim Consolidated and Company Financial Statements (Unaudited)
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2000 and 1999
1 Accounting Policies
The interim consolidated and company financial statements are prepared in accordance with the
accounting principles generally accepted in Thailand as required by Thai Accounting Standard No. 41
"Interim Financial Reporting". In addition, the primary financial statements (i.e. balance sheets,
statements of income, changes in shareholders' equity, retained earnings and cash flows) are presented
in the full format as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation No. 7 (B.E. 2539) in accordance with the
Securities and Exchange Commission's and the Stock Exchange of Thailand's requirements. The
accounting policies used in the preparation of the interim financial statements are consistent with those
used in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999.
The Group has implemented the following new Thai Accounting Standards, effective 1 January 2000,
in these interim financial statements:
TAS 41 - Interim Financial Reporting
TAS 44 - Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Investment in Subsidiaries
TAS 45 - Accounting for Investment in Associates
TAS 47 - Related Party Disclosures
The comparative figures, where appropriate, have been adjusted or extended to take into account the
requirements of those newly effective standards. In addition, in the third quarter ended 30 September
1999, the Group has changed its accounting policy in respect of capitalisation of certain intangible
assets including Deferred development rights and Pre-operating and start-up expenses. The Group has
accounted for this change retrospectively by adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings as
at 1 January 1999. The effects of the change are presented in Note 10.
Costs that incur unevenly during the financial year are recognised as expense or deferred in the interim
report only if it would be also appropriate to recognise or defer such costs at the end of the financial
Income tax expense is recognised based on the best estimate for the year.
These interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 1999 annual financial
2 Segment Information
Financial information by business segments
For the three-month period ended 30 September 2000
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business Elimination Total
Million Million Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht
Sales and services income 9,346 292 65 (66) 9,637
Operating profit 278 2 51 - 331
Income tax (95)
Net profit 236
2 Segment Information (Continued)
For the three-month period ended 30 September 1999
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business Elimination Total
Million Million Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht
Sales and services income 8,925 273 65 (65) 9,198
Operating profit 164 2 51 - 217
Income tax (71)
Net profit 146
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2000
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business Elimination Total
Million Million Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht
Sales and services income 26,771 858 196 (198) 27,627
Operating profit 852 7 153 - 1,012
Income tax (299)
Net profit 713
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 1999
Wholesale Land
and Retail Service Rental
Business Business Business Elimination Total
Million Million Million Million Million
Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht
Sales and services income 24,380 771 196 (198) 25,149
Operating profit 557 (4) (13) - 540
Income tax (220)
Net profit 320
The Company and its subsidiaries operate 3 major businesses as follows :
- Cash and carry wholesale business of merchandise and retail business of office supplies.
- Automotive service centers and gas stations.
- Land investment and property leasing to affiliated companies.
3 Significant Unusual Item Charged to Operating Profit
The following unusual item has been charged to the operating profit during the interim period.
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 30 September
2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht
Impairment charge relating to property
of a subsidiary - 164,909
In the second quarter of 1999, a subsidiary has recognised a provision for impairment of a property.
Subsequent to the original purchase of this site, the Group has now determined that the site will not be
used for the purpose for which it was originally acquired. It has therefore identified the asset as being
an asset held for sale or future development and has provided for impairment to carry the site at market
value in current economic conditions. The market value of this site has been assessed by an
independent valuer on the basis of market prices for comparable sites in that location including other
relevant factors.
4 Basic Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to shareholders by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period that is 240,000,000 shares
(1999: 240,000,000 shares).
5 Capital Expenditure and Commitments
Consolidated Company
property, property,
plant and plant and
equipment equipment
Baht'000 Baht'000
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2000
Opening net book amount 8,979,058 5,782,222
Additions 965,988 790,207
Disposal (466) (466)
Provision for fixed assets written off 9,802 9,802
Depreciation (544,907) (467,545)
Closing net book amount 9,409,475 6,114,220
Capital commitments as at 30 September 2000 391,950 330,488
Capital commitments as at 31 December 1999 388,268 370,024
6 Share Capital and Premium on Share Capital
For the nine-month period ended Number of Ordinary Share
30 September 2000 Shares Shares Premium Total
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
Opening balance 240,000,000 2,400,000 3,290,152 5,690,152
Issue of shares - - - -
Closing balance 240,000,000 2,400,000 3,290,152 5,690,152
As at 30 September 2000, the total authorised number of ordinary shares is 240,000,000 shares (31
December 1999: 240,000,000 shares) with a par value of Baht 10 per share (31 December 1999: Baht
10 per share). All issued shares are fully paid.
7 Related Party Transactions
Orkam Holding Asia N.V. incorporated in the Netherlands owns 5.80% of the Company's shares.
Although, the equity is less than one half of ownership, this company has significant influence over
financial and operating policies.
The following material transactions were carried out with related parties:
i) Sales of goods and services income
Consolidated Company
For the three-month period ended 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 September
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Sales of goods:
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 0.4 0.2
- - 0.4 0.2
Services income:
Makro Properties Limited - - 18.2 18.8
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 6.9 7.2
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - - 10.2 5.5
- - 35.3 31.5
Consolidated Company
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 September
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Sales of goods:
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 1.0 0.7
- - 1.0 0.7
Services income:
Makro Properties Limited - - 52.9 57.1
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 21.1 22.1
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - - 29.7 29.1
- - 103.7 108.3
Sales of goods above were carried out on commercial terms and conditions and at market prices.
Services income are charged on the basis of the agreed rates.
7 Related Party Transactions (Continued)
ii) Purchases of goods and service expenses
Consolidated Company
For the three-month period ended 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 September
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Purchases of goods:
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 0.2 0.5
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - - 0.1 0.1
Charoen Pokphand Group 25.0 27.7 25.0 27.7
25.0 27.7 25.3 28.3
Service expenses:
Makro Properties Limited - - 69.3 70.3
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 0.1 0.1
Makro Systems Far East Limited 32.2 32.9 29.6 30.5
32.2 32.9 99.0 100.9
Consolidated Company
For the nine-month period ended 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 September
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Purchases of goods:
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 0.6 1.1
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - - 0.4 0.4
Charoen Pokphand Group 76.8 79.6 76.8 79.6
76.8 79.6 77.8 81.1
Service expenses:
Makro Properties Limited - - 207.1 209.7
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 0.4 0.4
Makro Systems Far East Limited 93.8 90.5 86.3 83.9
93.8 90.5 293.8 294.0
Purchases of goods above were carried out on commercial terms and conditions and at market prices.
Service expenses are charged on the basis of the agreed rates.
7 Related Party Transactions (Continued)
iii) Outstanding balances arising from sales, purchases of goods and services
Consolidated Company
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Receivables from related parties
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 7.2 156.1
Makro Office Centre Company Limited - - 4.3 5.1
Makro Properties Limited - - 4.2 -
Makro Asia Management Limited 0.1 0.1 - -
0.1 0.1 15.7 161.2
Payables to related parties:
Makro Properties Limited - - - 0.5
Makro Systems Far East Limited 41.9 75.8 38.5 70.3
Orkam Asia Management AG - 2.1 - 2.1
Total amounts due to subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 41.9 77.9 38.5 72.9
Charoen Pokphand Group 16.3 16.2 16.3 16.2
58.2 94.1 54.8 89.1
iv) Loans to subsidiaries
Consolidated Company
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Short-term loans to
Makro Properties Limited - - 66.5 -
Makro Auto Care Company Limited - - 38.1 86.2
- - 104.6 86.2
Long-term loans to
Makro Properties Limited - - 1,111.4 1,126.4
- - 1,111.4 1,126.4
- - 1,216.0 1,212.6
Short-term loans to subsidiaries, being in the form of promissory notes, are due at call.
Long-term loans to a subsidiary are due for repayment as follows:
Contract Date 30 September 31 December Due Date
2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht
1 March 1993 110.5 125.5 28 February 2003
1 November 1995 720.9 720.9 31 October 2005
23 November 1995 280.0 280.0 22 November 2005
1,111.4 1,126.4
7 Related Party Transactions (Continued)
v) Deposits for land lease paid to a subsidiary
Consolidated Company
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht Million Baht
Deposits for land lease paid to
Makro Properties Limited - - 261.6 261.6
- - 261.6 261.6
vi) Investments in subsidiaries
30 September 2000
Subsidiaries Business Relationship Paid up % Carrying
Capital Ownership Value Dividend
Baht'000 Interest Baht'000 Baht'000
Makro Properties Land investment & property Being shareholder and 700,000 99.99 1,298,829 -
Limited leasing under the same
Makro Auto Care Automotive service centers, Being shareholder and 500,000 99.99 412,712 -
Company automated car wash and gas management participation
Limited stations
Makro Office Retail business of office Being shareholder and 200,000 99.99 157,598 -
Centre Company supplies, office equipments, management participation
Limited office furniture and business
service center.
31 December 1999
Subsidiaries Business Relationship Paid up % Carrying
Capital Ownership Value Dividend
Baht'000 Interest Baht'000 Baht'000
Makro Properties Land investment & property Being shareholder and 700,000 99.99 1,191,240 -
Limited leasing under the same
Makro Auto Care Automotive service centers, Being shareholder and 300,000 99.99 205,870 -
Company automated car wash and gas management participation
Limited stations
Makro Office Retail business of office , Being shareholder and 200,000 99.99 145,838 -
Centre Company supplies office equipments, management participation
Limited office furniture and business
service center.
As at 31 March 2000, Makro Auto Care Company Limited increased its share capital from Baht 300 million to
Baht 500 million. The Company increased the investment in this subsidiary at the prior level at 99.99 percent of
ownership interest.
8 Contingencies
As at 30 September 2000 and 31 December 1999, the Company and its subsidiaries have contingent
liabilities in respect of bank and other guarantees and other matters arising in the ordinary course of
business from which it is anticipated that no material liabilities will arise. In the ordinary course of
business, the Company and its subsidiaries have given guarantees to third parties as follows:
Bank guarantees
As at 30 September 2000 and 31 December 1999 the banks have given guarantees on behalf of the
Company and its subsidiaries as follows:
Consolidated Company
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000 Baht'000
Electricity 46,139 39,335 43,443 37,322
Sales of liquor and cigarettes 2,132 2,132 2,097 2,097
Others 1,046 950 546 450
49,317 42,417 46,086 39,869
Letter of awareness and Letter of comfort
As at 30 September 2000 the Company has issued letters of awareness and letters of comfort to banks
for bank overdrafts and bank credit facility of subsidiaries amounting to Baht 300 million (as 31
December 1999 amounting to Baht 70 million).
Operating lease commitments-where the group is the lessee
The future minimum lease payments under operating lease are as follows:
Consolidated Company
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December