17 กุมภาพันธ์ 2543
To the Shareholders of Siam Makro Public Company Limited
I have audited the accompanying consolidated and company balance sheets of
Siam Makro Public Company Limited as at 31 December 1999 and 1998, and
the related consolidated and company statements of income, of retained
earnings, of changes in shareholders' equity, and of cash flows for the years then
ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on my audit.
I conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
I believe that my audits provide a reasonable basis for my opinion.
In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the company as at 31 December 1999
and 1998, and the results of its operations, changes in shareholders' equity and
its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
As explained in note 2, in accordance with the recent developments in
International Accounting Standards and Thai Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles, the Company reviewed its accounting policy in respect of
capitalisation of certain intangible assets including Deferred Development
Rights and Pre-opening and start-up expenses. As a result of this review, the
Company has changed its accounting policy to expense such costs as incurred.
The Company therefore has accounted for the change in accounting policy
retrospectively by adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings as at
1 January 1999 and 1998.
I draw attention to Note 18 which is marked "Unaudited". Information regarding
the Year 2000 issue as presented in this note has not been subjected to auditing
procedures, and accordingly, I express no opinion on it.
Certified Public Accountant
(Thailand) No. 3051
PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Limited
28 January 2000
The accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial
position, results of operations, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows in
accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in
countries and jurisdictions other than Thailand. The standards, procedures and
practices utilised in Thailand to audit such financial statements may differ from
those generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Thailand.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets
As at 31 December 1999 and 1998
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Current Assets
Cash on hand and at banks 3 3,102,404,609 3,444,026,299
Short-term investments 4 892,000,000 180,000,000
Trade accounts receivable, net 5 4,055,108 9,065,581
Amounts due from subsidiaries
and affiliated companies 14 121,490 817,269
Short-term loans to
subsidiaries 14 - -
Inventories, net 6 2,771,159,192 2,272,169,709
Other current assets
VAT receivable 22,451,507 32,046,520
Purchase discount receivable 159,548,871 104,166,964
Prepayment 4,990,222 7,275,199
Other 26,255,071 31,213,662
Total Current Assets 6,982,986,070 6,080,781,203
Non-Current Assets
Investments in subsidiaries 7 - -
Loans to a subsidiary 14 - -
Property, plant and equipment,
net 8 8,979,058,301 8,862,401,931
Deposits 14 39,094,446 32,339,916
Total Non-Current Assets 9,018,152,747 8,894,741,847
Total Assets 16,001,138,817 14,975,523,050
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Current Assets
Cash on hand and at banks 3 3,016,732,921 3,328,055,361
Short-term investments 4 870,000,000 180,000,000
Trade accounts receivable, net 5 423,674 4,353,136
Amounts due from subsidiaries
and affiliated companies 14 161,239,232 167,113,138
Short-term loans to
subsidiaries 14 86,200,000 163,100,000
Inventories, net 6 2,565,046,378 2,094,630,878
Other current assets
VAT receivable - -
Purchase discount receivable 138,000,000 90,126,433
Prepayment 2,228,777 5,052,985
Other 23,429,827 28,731,232
Total Current Assets 6,863,300,809 6,061,163,163
Non-Current Assets
Investments in subsidiaries 7 1,542,947,650 1,550,498,394
Loans to a subsidiary 14 1,126,400,000 1,178,400,000
Property, plant and equipment,
net 8 5,782,222,487 5,569,727,898
Deposits 14 291,290,911 288,235,271
Total Non-Current Assets 8,742,861,048 8,586,861,563
Total Assets 15,606,161,857 14,648,024,726
Director Director
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Current Liabilities
Trade accounts payable 6,940,168,732 5,749,637,963
Amounts due to subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 14 77,896,853 59,804,661
Non-trade accounts payable 328,336,744 361,284,120
Current tax liabilities 295,017,130 235,368,471
Accrued expenses 205,882,303 178,421,842
VAT payable 36,998,404 78,633,397
Forward exchange contract payable - 72,978,000
Other current liabilities 81,844,493 44,735,619
Total current liabilities 7,966,144,659 6,780,864,073
Non-Current Liabilities
Long term loan from bank - 553,350,000
Other liabilities
Provision for retirement indemnity 177,657,555 151,046,926
Other liabilities 350,759 339,093
Total Non-Current liabilities 178,008,314 704,736,019
Total Liabilities 8,144,152,973 7,485,600,092
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 9
Authorised share capital 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Issued and paid-up share capital 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Premium on share capital 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Retained earnings
Legal reserve 10 192,500,365 163,947,221
Unappropriated 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Total Shareholders' Equity 7,856,985,844 7,489,922,958
Total Liabilities and
Shareholders' Equity 16,001,138,817 14,975,523,050
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Current Liabilities
Trade accounts payable 6,677,559,168 5,516,654,550
Amounts due to subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 14 72,936,966 55,897,152
Non-trade accounts payable 291,927,242 343,026,063
Current tax liabilities 248,103,035 194,127,139
Accrued expenses 182,015,902 160,376,501
VAT payable 36,998,404 78,633,397
Forward exchange contract payable - 72,978,000
Other current liabilities 75,376,485 41,656,533
Total current liabilities 7,584,917,202 6,463,349,335
Non-Current Liabilities
Long term loan from bank - 553,350,000
Other liabilities
Provision for retirement indemnity 164,258,811 141,402,433
Other liabilities - -
Total Non-Current liabilities 164,258,811 694,752,433
Total Liabilities 7,749,176,013 7,158,101,768
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 9
Authorised share capital 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Issued and paid-up share capital 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Premium on share capital 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Retained earnings
Legal reserve 10 192,500,365 163,947,221
Unappropriated 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Total Shareholders' Equity 7,856,985,844 7,489,922,958
Total Liabilities and
Shareholders' Equity 15,606,161,857 14,648,024,726
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Statements of Income
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Sales 34,493,283,746 30,775,732,363
Other operating income
Interest Income 86,711,785 210,150,701
Services Income 564,936,763 456,167,676
Other 222,742,882 130,286,264
Total revenues 35,367,675,176 31,572,337,004
Cost of sales 31,578,741,765 28,162,889,448
Selling and administrative expenses 2,720,386,726 2,562,375,354
Impairment charge relating to property 8 164,908,861 -
Interest expenses 5,311,193 38,136,240
Directors' remuneration 1,440,000 1,440,000
Total expenses 34,470,788,545 30,764,841,042
Profit before tax 896,886,631 807,495,962
Income tax (325,823,745) (260,500,829)
Profit from ordinary activities 571,062,886 546,995,133
Group profit - -
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Basic earnings per share 11
Net profit before impairment charge
relating to property 3.07 2.28
Net profit for the year 2.38 2.28
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Sales 32,706,598,888 29,223,955,761
Other operating income
Interest Income 158,322,684 302,127,093
Services Income 550,516,837 444,015,163
Other 251,018,507 174,476,519
Total revenues 33,666,456,916 30,144,574,536
Cost of sales 30,175,604,286 26,898,183,340
Selling and administrative expenses 2,639,662,627 2,524,876,060
Impairment charge relating to property 8 - -
Interest expenses 5,307,181 38,135,905
Directors' remuneration 1,440,000 1,440,000
Total expenses 32,822,014,094 29,462,635,305
Profit before tax 844,442,822 681,939,231
Income tax (265,829,190) (205,089,000)
Profit from ordinary activities 578,613,632 476,850,231
Group profit (7,550,746) 70,144,902
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Basic earnings per share 11
Net profit before impairment charge
relating to property 3.07 2.28
Net profit for the year 2.38 2.28
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Statements of Retained Earnings
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Unappropriated retained earnings
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,825,576,340 1,553,867,578
- adjustment resulting from change
in accounting policy with respect
to the capitalization of deferred
development right and pre-opening
and start-up expenses 2 (189,752,671) (236,001,739)
- as restated 1,635,823,669 1,317,865,839
Less : Appropriation
Legal reserve 10 (28,553,144) (25,037,303)
Dividends 12 (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Unappropriated retained earnings
at the end of the year 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve 192,500,365 163,947,221
Appropriated retained earnings:
at the end of the year 192,500,365 163,947,221
Retained earnings at the
end of the year 2,166,833,776 1,799,770,890
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Unappropriated retained earnings
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,825,576,340 1,553,867,578
- adjustment resulting from change
in accounting policy with respect
to the capitalization of deferred
development right and pre-opening
and start-up expenses 2 (189,752,671) (236,001,739)
- as restated 1,635,823,669 1,317,865,839
Less : Appropriation
Legal reserve 10 (28,553,144) (25,037,303)
Dividends 12 (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Unappropriated retained earnings
at the end of the year 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve 192,500,365 163,947,221
Appropriated retained earnings:
at the end of the year 192,500,365 163,947,221
Retained earnings at the
end of the year 2,166,833,776 1,799,770,890
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Share Captial
Common share
Beginning balance 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Increase during the year - -
Ending balance 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Premium on Share Capital
Beginning balance 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Increase during the year - -
Ending balance 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Unappropriated retained earnings:
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,825,576,340 1,553,867,578
- adjustment resulting from change in
accounting policy with respect to
the capitalization of deferred
development right and pre-opening
and start-up expenses 2 (189,752,671) (236,001,739)
- as restated 1,635,823,669 1,317,865,839
Less: Appropriation
- Legal reserve 10 (28,553,144) (25,037,303)
- Dividends 12 (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Unappropriated retained earnings
at end of the year 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve 10
Beginning balance 163,947,221 138,909,918
Increase during the year 28,553,144 25,037,303
Appropriated retained earnings at
end of the year 192,500,365 163,947,221
Total shareholders' equity 7,856,985,844 7,489,922,958
Notes 1999 1998
Baht Baht
Share Captial
Common share
Beginning balance 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Increase during the year - -
Ending balance 2,400,000,000 2,400,000,000
Premium on Share Capital
Beginning balance 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Increase during the year - -
Ending balance 3,290,152,068 3,290,152,068
Unappropriated retained earnings:
Beginning balance
- as previously reported 1,825,576,340 1,553,867,578
- adjustment resulting from change in
accounting policy with respect to
the capitalization of deferred
development right and pre-opening
and start-up expenses 2 (189,752,671) (236,001,739)
- as restated 1,635,823,669 1,317,865,839
Less: Appropriation
- Legal reserve 10 (28,553,144) (25,037,303)
- Dividends 12 (204,000,000) (204,000,000)
Net profit for the year 571,062,886 546,995,133
Unappropriated retained earnings
at end of the year 1,974,333,411 1,635,823,669
Appropriated retained earnings:
Legal reserve 10
Beginning balance 163,947,221 138,909,918
Increase during the year 28,553,144 25,037,303
Appropriated retained earnings at
end of the year 192,500,365 163,947,221
Total shareholders' equity 7,856,985,844 7,489,922,958
The notes to the consolidated and company financial statements on pages 9 to 20 form
an integral part of these financial statements.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited
Consolidated and Company Statements of Cash Flows
For the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash flows from operating activities :
Net profit 571,062,886 546,995,133
Adjustments for :
Depreciation 700,901,977 668,094,869
Provision for loss on disposal
of equipment (4,609,174) 7,454,739
Impairment charge relating to property 164,908,861 -
Gain on disposal of equipment (6,640,534) (20,080,243)
Share of loss (profit) from subsidiaries - -
Allowance for doubtful - accounts
receivable other (3,044,109) 11,628,966
Provision for obsolete and shrinkage
inventories 16,919,511 37,015,629
Provision for warranty claim 11,666 (173,689)
Provision for retirement indemnity 26,610,629 32,406,701
Amortisation of deferred hedging cost 2,939,000 17,680,863
Changes in operating assets and liabilities :
Trade accounts receivable 5,010,473 2,563,385
Amounts due from subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 695,779 4,715,808
Inventories (515,908,994) 323,562,330
VAT receivable 9,595,013 (8,453,464)
Purchase discount receivable (55,381,907) (55,027,114)
Prepayment 2,284,977 2,680,164
Other current assets 8,002,700 29,372,001
Trade accounts payable 1,190,530,769 332,270,325
Amounts due to subsidiaries and affiliated
companies 18,092,192 (7,332,984)
Non-trade accounts payable (32,947,376) 34,373,921
Current tax liabilities 59,648,659 134,891,060
Accrued expenses 27,460,461 7,067,576
VAT payable (41,634,993) 78,633,397
Other current liabilities 37,108,874 (10,140,309)
Net cash generated from operations 2,181,617,340 2,170,199,064
1999 1998
Baht Baht
Cash flows from operating activities :
Net profit 571,062,886 546,995,133
Adjustments for :
Depreciation 619,341,775 595,476,052
Provision for loss on disposal
of equipment (4,609,174) 3,703,512
Impairment charge relating to property - -
Gain on disposal of equipment (6,640,534) (13,484,523)
Share of loss (profit) from subsidiaries 7,550,744 (70,144,902)
Allowance for doubtful - accounts
receivable other (3,394,264) 8,128,965
Provision for obsolete and shrinkage
Inventories 16,675,729 22,808,197
Provision for warranty claim - -
Provision for retirement indemnity 22,856,378 26,960,145
Amortisation of deferred hedging cost 2,939,000 17,680,863
Changes in operating assets and liabilities :
Trade accounts receivable 3,929,462 3,775,829
Amounts due from subsidiaries and
affiliated companies 5,873,906 354,245,678