20 พฤศจิกายน 2540
(a) Bank guarantees
As at September 30, 1997, the banks have given guarantees on behalf of the company
and its subsidiaries as follows:
The company only The consolidation
(Baht'000) (Baht'000)
Electricity 29,232 29,659
Sales of liquor and cigarettes 1,888 1,918
Others 480 2,180
31,600 33,757
Siam Makro Public Company Limited Page 12
Notes to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements
- September 30, 1997 continued
(b) Lease agreement
The company has entered into several land lease agreements with a subsidiary company
and several building area lease agreements with external lessors. In addition, the
subsidiary companies have also entered into building area lease agreements with
external lessors. The future payments to which the company and its subsidiaries are
committed under these agreements are as follows :
The company only The consolidation
(Baht'000) (Baht'000)
Due within 1 year 276,490 57,600
Due after 1 year but within 5 years 257,030 124,873
Due after 5 years 286,679 360,480
820,199 542,953
(c) Capital expenditure commitment
As at September 30, 1997, the company and its subsidiaries have capital expenditure
commitments in respect of the construction contracts and the purchase of fixed assets
as follows:
The company only The consolidation
(Baht'000) (Baht'000)
Capital expenditure commitments 129,454 223,497
(d) Purchases commitment
As at September 30, 1997, the company is committed for the purchases of import
products with the domestic purchase agents amounting to Baht 70 million.
Siam Makro Public Company Limited Page 13
Notes to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements
- September 30, 1997 continued
Financial instruments
12. The company's policy on risk management of liabilities in foreign currencies is to use financial
instruments purchased in the financial markets. For hedging purposes, the company has entered into
forward exchange contracts to cover loan and purchase commitment in foreign currencies. As at
September 30, 1997, deferred hedging cost arising under these contracts amounted to Baht 29
Segmental information by business activities
13. The consolidation-For the third quarter
Wholesale and Service Land Rental Elimination Total
Retail Business Business Business
(Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht)
Sales - Unaffiliated customers 8,401 157 - - 8,558
- Subsidiary companies - - - - -
8,401 157 - - 8,558
Gross profit 678 30 - - 708
Other income 166
Selling and administrative
expenses (631)
Interest expenses (8)
Directors' remuneration -
Income tax (74)
Net income 161
Share of loss from an
associated company (7)
Net income 154
Siam Makro Public Company Limited Page 14
Notes to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements
- September 30, 1997 continued
The consolidation-For the period of 9 months
Wholesale and Service Land Rental Elimination Total
Retail Business Business Business
(Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht) (Million Baht)
Sales - Unaffiliated customers 23,497 426 - - 23,923
- Subsidiary companies 231 - - (231) -
23,728 426 - (231) 23,923
Gross profit 2,079 87 - - 2,166
Other income 468
Selling and administrative
expenses (1,805)
Interest expenses (22)
Directors' remuneration (1)
Income tax (264)
Net income 542
Share of loss from an
associated company (15)
Net income 527
Property, plant and equipment,
net as at September 30, 1997 5,183 275 2,790 - 8,248
Other assets 5,558
Total assets as at
September 30, 1997 13,806
Siam Makro Public Company Limited Page 15
Notes to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements
- September 30, 1997 (continued)
The company and its subsidiary companies operate 3 major businesses as follows :
- Wholesale business of merchandise and retail business of office supplies.
- Automotive service centers and gas stations
- Land lease business
Sales to unaffiliated customers are presented at market price. The transfer price for
sales to subsidiary companies are established by agreement between the company and
its subsidiary companies.
Property, plant and equipment of each business are for its own operations. Other assets
mainly comprise cash in hand and at banks, inventories, amounts due from and loans to
affiliated companies.
Comparative figures
14. As a result of reclassifications of certain items of interim financial statements ended
September 30, 1997, the comparative figures have been amended accordingly.
Auditors' report page 1.