19 กรกฎาคม 2539
Siam Makro Plc (MAKRO) reported that as at the shareholders' meeting of its affiliate, People Health Care Co.,Ltd., it has resolved to increase registered capital from Bt100 million to Bt200 million via 10- million capital increased shares issuance. These shares will be alloted to the existing shareholders in the ratio of 1 existing share per 1 new share at the price of Bt10 apiece. The shareholders' first payment for the value of share is at the price of Bt5 apiece. At the company's board of directors' meeting no.7/1996, held on July 18, 1996, it has resolved to subscrib the said shares amounting to 4,500,000 shares at the price of Bt10 apiece worth a total of Bt45,000,000 to maintain the company's of share holding ratio of 45% of registered capital of People Health Care Co.,Ltd. The company will firsly pay for the value of shares at the price of Bt5 apiece worth Bt22,500,000. The payment is on July 19, 1996.